Zebra – Neumann


Crystal Clear Design

SKU: PM-0007 Category: Tag:


Crystal Clear Design.

“Neumann” completely rebuilds U-he Zebra². New modulation system, new pianoroll sequencer, new racks. Neumann is not just a “skin” that only changes its aesthetics. Rather, it is a project which gives Zebra a new “body”, reorganizing Zebra from the inside with over 38,000 lines of programs.

Pocketful of Features

New Mod System

Ring-and-box based new modulation system. Further information is below.

Effects in a Rack

Multiple effects are displayed, just like generators and modulators.

FS Sequencer

You can edit the sequencer in fullscreen, with piano roll!

FS OSC Editor

Dedicated OSC editor with X-Y axis labeling.

Per-Type Icon

Noise,VCF,Dist have icons to show its type.

Icon Based M.Matrix

Mod Matrix is based on icons. Once get accustomed to it, it’s quite comfortable.

Interactive Display

Some modules have parameter displays that reflects important parameters.

Hide Inactives

Ineffective parameters are automatically hidden so that you may not be distracted.

New Modulation System

Neumann has the new modulation system like NI Massive synth, inheriting from our previous product, “Massive Modular” skin.

There are “modulation source box” and you can do these:

  • Left click : Set the mod source
  • Drag the text area : Control mod depth
  • Right click: Change the mod source
  • Mod amount is shown as a ring.

Just have a try and you’ll see. It’s really simple and fit to your hand!

Delay Designer

The delay section is radically re-designed! Graphical feedbacks let you play with it intuitively.

The 3-1-2-4 alignment at first may seem strange but you’ll soon find it comfortable, since in most presets the tap 1&3 are panned left, while 2&4 right.

  • Hide Inactives
    Hide tap 3&4 when inactive
  • Direct Selection
    Click the timeline to set delay time to 2/4D/4/8D/8/16/32 (Others you can set from the dropdown list).
  • The Panner
    Panning is now superintuitive!
  • The Filter
    You can drag the frequency section to adjust filter cutoff.

Or Monochrome.

If you don’t like many colors, you can choose less colored version, by manually replacing image files.

Synthesis Tab

Neumann adopts 2-column design. You switch between the mod rack & the effect rack by clicking the bar in the middle.

Effects View

Mods View

Sequencer Tab

You can edit the sequencer just like piano rolls on your DAW! This is the way a sequencer should be.

XY Tab

Just another XY pad. In the left panel lies mini XY pad, which you can use for assigning parameters.

FS OSC Editor

Each mode has its XY axis labeling, which provides proper information for you.






Neumann also has its “Pro” Version as a separate product.
“Neumann Pro” has a much larger GUI size, comes with 3 rack system.


Size of Neumann1270 × 850*

Neumann Pro

Size of Neumann Pro1700 × 1000*

*ZebraHZ version is even wider by 60px.
*Don’t forget that any DAW has a header for a plugin window, which consumes the precious height of the screen!

2 in 1 Package

Note that the Pro version comes with the regular version of Neumann as well. It means you can choose either to get Neumann alone for $25, or both Neumann and Neumann Pro for $35.
If you upgrade Neumann to Neumann Pro afterwards, it costs $15. Both products have demo versions so try both before you buy!

Get Demo version

You can download the demo version of the skin.

There could be rare cases where the skin causes DAW to crash. Please try changing some presets, editing parameters, pushing buttons such as settings or save presets.
And the skin is basically made for 100% zoom / HD display. Please check if it looks beautiful in your screen and your preferable zoom rate.

If the GUI goes very sluggish on Mac, please try the optimization method written in “Support” tab.


Demo Restrictions

  • Only Half number of modules are available. (e.g. OSC 3&4, Noise2 are disabled)
  • Many stamps that say “Demo”, which is annoying.
  • Two Pixel People resides within the main window.

Note: Since updates are made frequently, sometimes the trial version is older than the actual product’s version. In case you have trouble due to this version gap, you fairly have the right to refund the product.

About Installation

Please read the userguide for more detailed installation. You need to install fonts as well as themes for it to look perfectly beautiful!

User Guide

User guide for a skin?

Neumann is not just a skin. It brings you many new functions. New layout, new modulation system, new graphical elements…
So it is recommended that you read through this manual. (it’s just 14 pages long.)

Click to view, right-click to download.


  • It requires Zebra v2.9 (Rev.9436 or higher).
  • We also have a version for Zebra v2.8 as a legacy. But it’s just an archive and no future support for Z2.8.
  • It also supports ZebraHZ!! v2.9.1 (with 4 Combs and 3 Resonators) is required.

Further Support

If you have some trouble, please contact us. Or the KVR thread is the best place to have discussion!

Optimization on Mac

Neumann displays large amount of parameters at once, which inevitably results in high burden on rendering GUI, especially so in zoom rates other than 100%.

To be more specific, on some recent Mac OS it could go very sluggish. Here are some measures that hopefully improve the performance.

Rewrite Zebra Preference File

  • Go to ~(User)/Library/Application Support/u-he/
  • Open the file “com.u-he.Zebra2.Preferences.txt” (or “com.u-he.ZebraHZ.Preferences.txt” for ZebraHZ)
  • Find a line like this:
    V_PROPERTY name=’Preference’ id=’0′ value=’AllViews:Cocoa Draw Async:NO’
  • If you find the line, change NO to YES.
  • If don’t, simply add the line manually :
    V_PROPERTY name=’Preference’ id=’0′ value=’AllViews:Cocoa Draw Async:YES

This could *dramatically* improve the performance. If it’s not enough, please add another 2 lines:

  • V_PROPERTY name=’Preference’ id=’0′ value=’AllViews:Cocoa View Cache Bitmaps:ALL’
  • V_PROPERTY name=’Preference’ id=’0′ value=’AllViews:Cocoa View Update Strategy:SMART’

Change Color Profile

  • Open “System Preference.app”
  • Go to “Display” option, “Color” tab.
  • Change color profile to ones starting with “sRGB-“.

This could improve the performance a bit.

Release Notes

All changes are listed here.

v1.6.8 (2024.9.26)
fixed VCF VCF cutoff mod source labels were slightly off-centered.
v1.6.7 (2024.9.26)
fixed Rack Pro:The bottom edge of racks were overflown.
v1.6.6 (2024.1.18)
fixed XMF Fixed that filter type2 is unselectable in “single” mode.
v1.6.5 (2023.4.5) : Only for “HZ” Themes.
changed D-VCF D-VCF settings are moved to header, in order to avoid the CRASH caused by “scroll on top” option and the Diva pref module flexibly placed in rack. I had no other choice.
improved D-VCF in Uhbie model, the bandpass mode switch and a modulation slot/ring for shapemix are added.
v1.6.4 (2022.1.6) : Only for “Pro” Themes.
fixed Browser The very bottom area of preset browser was not clickable.
v1.6.3 (2022.1.4) : Only for “Pro” Themes.
fixed MM MM11-12 and MM23-24 were not clickable.
v1.6.1.1 (2021.11.25) : Only for HZ. Others stay 1.6.1.
fixed Tabs When MM1 tab is active, “GRID” tab was not clickable.
v1.6.1 (2021.7.21)
fixed MSEG Fixed the bug that current MSEG positions are not shown in MSEG2-8 fullscreen and MSEG5-8
fixed MSEG Fullscreen button for MSEG5-8 wer a bit small.
v1.6 (2021.4.1)
added Variation The “Pro” version is added!!
fixed MMix In HZ, MMix mod source icons were incorrect.
v1.5.4 (2021.3.19)
fixed OSC In OSC2-4 fullscreen editor, preset browser did not open.
v1.5.3 (2020.11.4)
changed General Now the colored version is set as default, while mono version kept as option.
fixed Browser Scroll bar was not shown.
fixed lette Zebralette : output volume was left over when changing to another skin.
improved lette Zebralette : Supports the latest tag browser.
v1.5.2 (2020.7.30)
fixed GRID Grid icons were not right.
fixed LFOG In colored version, LFOG user wave editor’s background color was not right.
v1.5.1 (2020.6.6) – HZ only. (Others stay 1.5)
fixed MSEG Fullscreen editor for MSEG5-8 didn’t open.
v1.5 (2020.5.29)
fixed Shape1-3 Fixed the issue that Drive mod was not editable
added Whole UI Added colored versions of module BGs! (You have to manually replace files)
v1.4.1 (2020.2.20) – Zebralette Only
fixed OSC Zebralette – OSC Norm parameter was missing.
fixed ENV Zebralette – ENV VCA source parameter was missing.
fixed OSC Zebralette – OSC SFX labelings are now up to date (DX, smear).
v1.4 (2020.2.18)
improved HZ Compatible with ZHZ 2.9.1 (Comb3&4/Res1-3)
fixed Tag Better visibility on tag editor
v1.3 (2019.12.11)
added HZ Now compatible with ZebraHZ!! yeah~~~~~
fixed FMO FMO4 didn’t have enough height and was overlapped by the next module.
fixed Mixer Send2 – Mod depth was uneditable.
v1.2.5 (2019.12.6)
improved Grid Grid modules are now drawn as images!
changed Dist/Shape Module BG colors are slightly changed.
improved Mixer Better organization for mixer.
v1.2.5/1.1.5 (2019.12.6)
fixed tab Close fullscreen buttons were missing.
v1.2.4/v1.1.4 (2019.12.5)
fixed tab Fixed the issue that Tabs switch to Routing tab when loading a preset.
v1.1.3/v1.2.3 (2019.12.4)
fixed FX Fixed the issue that FX Bypass button disappears in Seq/XY/Presets tabs.
v1.1.2/v1.2.2 (2019.12.3)
fixed FX FX Bypass button was missing.
v1.2.1 (2019.11.26)
fixed Tabs Fixed the issue that fullscreen editors are unintentionally opened when adjusting mod depth.
regression Tabs Tab managing in v1.2 has a serious bug that cannot be removed. So it’s reverted back.
v1.2 (2019.11.25)
improved Version Support Z2.9β, while dropping any older compatibility (You can still download v1.1.1).
improved Grid Better grid visualization for the routing editor and the mod matrix.
improved Tab Better tab managing. Fullscreen editors now automatically close when you select tabs other than “Synthesis”. Memory/CPU performance may well get better by this.
v1.1.1 (2019.11.25)
fixed MiniXY 1-4/5-8 Tabs in Pad 2~4 were not clickable.
fixed MMix Mod Source Icons are not correctly shown.
v1.1 (2019.10.15)
improved MSEG Full Screen MSEG editor is added!
improved OSC Font color for OSC sync/SFX is brightened.
improved MMix Icons are now silver, instead of yellow.
v1.0.4 (2019.10.8)
fixed FMO All FMOs were titled as “FMO1”.
v1.0.3 (2019.10.4)
fixed FMO The most important parameter – FM Depth was missing.
v1.0.2 (2019.9.28)
fixed Knobs Hopefully fixed the knob jumping issue which happens in some environment.
v1.0.1 (2019.9.24)
fixed OSC,Comb Some Mod boxes were unclickable.
v1.0 (2019.9.21)
Released The very initial release


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