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AIKO Updates, and Small Goods

AIKO v1.1

AIKO skin for Diva has been updated to 1.1!
It’s mainly on bug fix, but some features are added.

Customizable Designs

You can replace some UI elements on your own. Some prefer flat designs, and others like vintage. Now you can choose by yourself.



Reverb Unit


Plate reverbs adopt fader style UI. Look like Lexicon reverbs 🙂

Small Goods

There are some small things added.

Alchemy theme for Logic (again)

Some people reported my alchemy theme crashes. So I checked on my Mac, and it really crashed! ugh
Now it should work again.


Spark Be Falcon

You know I like UVI Falcon all the way. But my beloved UVI SparkVerb doesn’t look so good as one integrated in Falcon, because it doesn’t have falcon-style-knobs.
So I hacked the resource file! Now it’s fine for me.
This one is on the Freebies page.


Yuta Yoshimatsu

Ohayo. I'm a Japanese graphic and sound designer. I love u-he products and speak u-he's theming language as fluently as any man.

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