"MONA"はu-he DivaのためのカスタムGUIで、単に見た目を変えるだけでなく、機能性までも変えてしまう存在です。
- 1660x930 の巨大な画面サイズ
- リアルなハードウェア調デザイン
- 全てが1画面の中に
- 演奏可能なキーボードとホイール
- マッシブ・モジュレーションシステム v2
- 1クリックでモデルを切り替え
- エフェクトにはXYパッドコントロールつき
- プリセットブラウザ内からも主要なパラメータにイージー・アクセス
マッシブ・モジュレーションシステム v2
MONAはNI Massiveシンセに似た新しいモジュレーションシステムを搭載しています。動作はほぼAIKOのものと同じですが、本製品から「v2」となり、モジュレーションソースのアイコンが追加されました。そしてこのアイコンをクリックすることで、ソースの変更ができます! 右クリックを使うのが面倒なときに便利ですね。
- クリック : モッドソースを設定(未設定時のみ)
- テキストエリアをドラッグ : モッド深度を調整
- 右クリック: モッドソースを変更
- アイコンをクリック : モッドソースを変更
- モッド深度はノブの周囲にリングとして表示されます
たった1クリックでモデルを変更できます。ドラッグでもいけます! あなたは今までにいったい何回モデル選択のメニューを開いたでしょうか? 人生の時間には限りがあります。MONAを使ってクリック数を半減させましょう。
タブがありません!! 全てのコントロールは1枚のパネルにまとめられています。非使用状態のパラメータは自動的に非表示にされ、マイナーなパラメータはフッターの方に格納され、そうしてUI面でのゴチャゴチャに気を散らされることなく、サウンドメイクに集中できる整った環境を構築しました。
Fannon (製品所有者) –
Quality Work like usual 🙂 The skin really helps to get a better, full overview of the synth state while also simplifying the UI, e.g. by the smart modulation system.
Luis Baldwin (製品所有者) –
I usually force myself into liking the Default skin of any synth, because I try to judge the sound rather than the looks. But man, I really fell in love with Diva with this skin. Great work Plugmon!
Chris Sterling (製品所有者) –
Give Diva a modern feel to craft sound. I’m so satisfy!!!
CGM (製品所有者) –
Excellent work!!
Easy install and within seconds, creating new presets, definitely revitalising my love of Diva and taking to new heights – very highly recommended!
(Anonymous) (製品所有者) –
The best-sounding plug-in synths now have the best look and feel of all plug-in synths. Thank you Plugmon. I love your work.
the-simian (製品所有者) –
This is the UI that Dive should have had, and improved my mental model of its capabilities. Here’s a few things that made a big difference for me:
1. Moving the ‘drop down’ selects in the sections to tabs made me more likely to try other modes. The tabs are an easier way to see the tree-like structure of each panel.
2. the color-rings around the knobs give you way more visual feedback about what is being affected. The massive modulation system is quite an improvement.
3. The theme, being physically larger takes more advantage of modern monitors, showing more at once
I’ve already started using this on some new sounds on tracks on my soundcloud, and for me its been a masterclass in effective synth ui design. I don’t think I can go back to the previous skin after using this.
kirkwoodwest (製品所有者) –
A great refresh to the classic Diva Synthesizer by U-HE. This totally modernizes the Diva Interface. Must Have.
Raphel Tucker (製品所有者) –
U-he is a kingpin for digital synth quality. Unfortunately, their GUIs leave something to be desired. MONA completely fixes this for Diva, making it as user-friendly as Sylenth1 or Serum.
dBOxi (製品所有者) –
This is more than facelift update for Diva. For example the preset browser of Diva is already good but Mona goes to the next level by including preset info with adjustments.
KuDa177 (製品所有者) –
The workflow with this skin is a huge improvement overall. More clean, more intuitive and fresh looking.
TORLEY (製品所有者) –
There are “skins”, and then there are “total transformations”. MONA is very much the latter — going beyond cosmetics to add improved functionality. I enjoyed AIKO years ago, but MONA outshines it in a number of respects, featuring a purposefully skeuomorphic, elegant layout that has me smiling when I’m diving in to the many Diva patches I have.
I like how the osc sections are structured, model selection is a one-click direct path, and other repetitive steps are folded into one. Even if you’re just browsing/tweaking sounds rather than creating them from scratch, this benefits your immediacy — in particular, the streamlined patch browser layout and being able to do PRESET adjustments right from there in a mini-display is so rewarding!
The sheer thoughtfulness of design AND cross-applying things from Hive is something U-he should seriously consider to bring Yuta Yoshimatsu’s PLUGMON magic aboard to their factory user interfaces.
If you play Diva and don’t have MONA, you’re missing out, big time. 🙌⏰
Nova (製品所有者) –
MONA is absolutely brilliant and it’s refreshing to use. Very easy on the eyes, especially for long sound design sessions. Some of the parameters in the default DIVA GUI are quite tiny, even when the interface is enlarged. MONA is a huge improvement over the original and it eliminates excessive guesswork, most importantly if you come back to work on a patch the next day and need to pick up where you left off, this new GUI saves time. The trimmers tab is much more pleasant to look at, and it displays current settings in a much more immediate fashion. I rarely, if ever write reviews, but Plugmon’s efforts towards this GUI are simply too good to not acknowledge. Excellent work.
Carl Summers (製品所有者) –
Exactly what Diva needed, a UI that’s straightforward, easy to understand and playable out of the box. I had Diva for a while and couldn’t wrap my head around it, but with this skin, I can understand its functionality almost immediately.
retcheto (製品所有者) –
This is fantastic, the default Diva skin is not very good. I don’t see why we have to be stuck with ancient interfaces just because this is modeling analogue sounds. GUI design has improved a lot and this is not a hardware synth, why be limited by the graphical restrictions of hardware?
Mona solves a lot of that, it makes the modulation sources and amounts much easier to read. Things are laid out clearly, after only a few hours playing with this I can say it’s already so much better and easier to work with than the default skin. definitely recommended!
Pete Gunn (製品所有者) –
Amazing work. This is more than a theme, its a total redesign of Diva. It really brings it into a more modern feel. At this point, i cannot even imagine diva any other way. it is an improvement to not only the aesthetic, but a great improvement to the workflow as well.
Peter Klingelhofer (製品所有者) –
Brilliant. I’ve been using Diva for many years, but learned synths on Massive way back when. This combines the best of both worlds – the visual enhancement of the modulation system addresses Diva’s only real weakness (slightly clunky clicking through menus modulation), and the graphics themselves are absolutely divine. I’ve fallen in love with Diva all over again. Cannot recommend this enough.